Monday, September 30, 2019

True Love

English 200 Poetry Explication: â€Å"True Love† by Wislawa Szymborska This paper is an essay is an analysis of Wislawa Szymborska’s poem â€Å"True Love. † When I first read the poem, I was struck by its sheer simplicity and passion at what Szymborska feels that it means for two people to be in love. However; upon further contemplation, I see how she uses the lovers to represent change in an otherwise boring and regimented world where all actions must be taken for the betterment and advancement of the state. True Love† is a powerful piece that is told through the persona of an anonymous authoritarian bureaucrat who questions the value of love when compared to the needs of the state. â€Å"True Love† was written at a time when Soviet control was strangling the Eastern Bloc countries, particularly Poland. In this situation, citizens were expected to devote their lives to the advancement of the State – personal needs were secondary. In light of this situation, Szymborska forces the reader to examine the poem on a number of levels including the socio/political level and also at the base level of two people brought together as one. I will discuss how Szymborska, very cleverly, uses the lovers to illustrate how individuals can make effect change from within a system when they are passionate about their beliefs. I will also discuss that love, the most primal of mans’ needs, can be so complex in its simplicity that it can overwhelm and frighten those who misunderstand it. The first stanza of the poem consists of four lines: â€Å"True love. Is it normal, is it serious, is it practical? What does the world get from two people Who exist is a world of their own? † (lines 1-4) Szymborska begins by asking questions about love; however, is she actually asking about love or is she questioning whether it is practical for a society to acknowledge love? As an emotional human being, one would be able to answer these questions in the affirmative that, yes, love is normal and serious and practical. When people are in love, they are happy and probably more productive because of their commitment to the other person. However, when one looks at these first four lines with the jaded eye of, say, an authoritative, repressive bureaucrat then, perhaps, love serves no purpose but to get in the way of serving the state. This person might answer these same questions by saying that, though love might be normal and serious, it is not practical because how can one dedicate his/her life to society if they are more concerned about the person that they love? To this person, the world (state) would get nothing from two people who exist is a world of their own so this should not be allowed to happen. In lines 5 – 13, Szymborska uses the persona of the bureaucrat to begin casting dispersions and snide comments about the audacity that two people would have to dare fall in love. â€Å"Placed on the same pedestal for no good reason, rawn randomly from millions, but convinced it had to happen this way – in reward for what? For nothing. † (lines 5-8) In these lines, the reader begins to understand that he is now hearing the voice of the faceless bureaucrat whose soul interest is the betterment of the state. Or, perhaps, we are hearing the words of someone who has suffered through bad relations hips in the past. I believe it to be the former. Szymborska wrote this poem in 1972 in a Poland that had been under the authoritarian rule of the Soviet Union since 1945. In the six years before the Soviets, Poland was ruled by the occupational forces of the Nazi Third Reich. I am convinced that the persona that we are hearing is the voice of an authoritarian government representative – a cold, uncaring Orwellian figure. This is the section of the poem where the jaded voice of the person rings through loud and clear when he states; â€Å"it had to happen this way – in reward for what? For nothing. † (line 7-8) Of course, the person in love would disagree vehemently with this for their reward is garnered each time they look into the eyes or feel the touch of the one they love – that is part of the reward, the reciprocal love shared between two lovers. They would answer; â€Å"yes, it did happen this way and here is my (our) reward. † The persona continues his lament when he states; â€Å"The light descends from nowhere. Why on these two and not on others? Doesn’t this outrage justice? Yes it does. Doesn’t it disrupt our painstakingly erected principles, and cast the moral from the peak? Yes on both accounts. † (lines 10-13) In these lines, not only does the persona question the value of two people being in love but he also questions the existence of a higher power (God); â€Å"The light descends from nowhere. And why on these two and not others? † (lines 10-11) The persona refuses to believe God or faith could play a role in determining who falls in love or why love happens but, then wonders why these two people have been chosen to be with each other. Seemingly taken aback for a moment, the persona then falls back into his numbing, bureaucratic role when he asks the questions, and then answers his own questions, in the affirmative, about how love how love would disrupt the â€Å"painstakingly erected principles† and would the moral be cast from the peaks. The persona typifies the cold, uncaring demagogues who reveled in the Soviet occupation of Eastern European countries, never questioning those in power and ensuring that all rules were followed. â€Å"Look at the happy couple. Couldn’t they at least try to hide it, fake a little depression for their friends’ sake! Listen to them laughing – it’s an insult. † (lines 14-18) With these lines, the persona is now drawing attention to the lovers, trying to castigate them and make the other citizens, presumably those who experience no love in their lives, hate the lovers as much as he does. The persona’s hate, though, does not stem from a true dislike but from fear – fear that if more people began to feel love then they would not be so beholden to the state and the power of the state would be diminished. The persona states that the lovers’ laughter is an insult, though to whom is the insult directed? It is an insult to the state because, through all of the dreariness that is their life, the lovers have found something that the state cannot control (their love for each other) and they relish that. Their laughing is not an insult; quite the contrary, they are laughing because in their world they are one and that makes their world an idyllic place. The third stanza ends with the line; â€Å"And their little celebrations, rituals, the elaborate mutual routines – it’s obviously a plot behind the human race’s back! † (lines 19 – 21) To any regime, the ultimate fear is that they lose control of the citizenry – the cogs in an unemotional machine. When the persona cannot explain (or accept) how love can occur, the only â€Å"logical† answer is that it must be a plot against the state (the human race. Why else would these disrespectful citizens waste their energy on each other rather than towards the advancement of the state? Stanza four finds the poem’s persona beginning to panic as he wonders what would happen if, God forbid, more citizens begin to follow the lovers’ example and experience love for themselves; â€Å"Itâ €™s hard to even guess how far things might go if people start to follow their example. What could religion and poetry count on? What would be remembered? What renounced? Who’d want to stay within bounds? † (lines 22-26) Historically, oppressive regimes have worked hard to strictly limit what people can read, see, hear or say. This repression of free expression, it was (is) thought, helped to keep the people in line. The government begins to take on the role of a strict parent, ensuring that their naive child remains ignorant of what takes place outside their home (borders. ) However, how can that same government oppress a population that is aware of basic human rights? Therein lays the rhetorical question; how ‘ya gonna keep 'em down on the farm? (after they've seen paree. ) The persona is pondering this very question and fearing the worst possible outcome that a bureaucrat could imagine; â€Å"Who’d want to stay within the bounds? (line 26) The fear of seeing two people in love, walking out of step from the rest of the automaton-like population, has pushed the state (our persona) to a point of hysteria. Rather than accept that love happens, that people are unique as individuals, the persona continues to present reason to reject love; â€Å"True love. Is it really necessary? Tact and common sense tell us to pass over it in silence, like a scandal in Life’s highest circles. It couldn’t populate the planet in a million years, it comes along so rarely. † (lines 27-32) Once again, the persona, having pondered the worst that can happen, deflects from acceptance of love and, instead, questions its relevance in a big-brother type society. â€Å". . . pass over it in silence, like a scandal. . . † (line 28), or â€Å"Perfectly good children are born without its help. † (line 29) direct the â€Å"good† citizens that love is an aberration. If they should ever encounter it (God forbid) they should hold their nose and walk past because it is no better than a scandal that would tear at the very fibre of the society that is looking after their needs. In fact, love is not ever required for the creation of â€Å"perfectly good† children. They state is the ultimate provider who will take care of all your needs from cradle to grave. Yes, to the poem’s persona, everything is for the advancement of the state even if that means the dehumanization of the state’s citizens. The poem ends with three chilling lines; â€Å"Let the people who never find true love keep saying there is no such thing. Their faith will make it easier for them to live and die. † (lines 33-35) According to the persona, ignorance is bliss. By continuing to march along to the state’s cadence, the â€Å"faithful† will have easy lives and nice, quiet, easy deaths. However, it is never â€Å"easy† for a thinking, rational human to simply go through the motions each day; living a meaningless life, existing only for the betterment of a faceless, emotionless entity; just another cog in the great machine. Will it have been worth it? For those who never knew that love existed, or chose to ignore love’s existence, then their lives would have been no different than those of a school of fish; simply going along to get along. For those who have experienced love and passion then their lives would have been lived to the fullest and their deaths mourned and celebrated by those whose lives they had touched with love. The â€Å"true love† mentioned in this poem is represents two principles; the first is the love that is found between two people and how, through that love, they can overcome obstacles in their lives. The power of faith and love can be powerful assets when two people are walking a path together through life. The second principle is that of social accountability that should be the responsibility of every compassionate and free thinking person. The era in which Szymborska wrote this powerful poem is testament to the poem’s social meaning. Soviet oppression was the norm and the â€Å"Big Brother† mentality among both bureaucrats and citizens alike encouraged both conformation to the rules and divulging the identities of those who would not conform. Szymborska’s poem forces the reader to identify which group he/she belonged(s) to and how their lives are affected by that decision. Works Cited Schlib, John and John Clifford, eds. Making Literature Matter: An Anthology for Readers and Writers. 4th ed. Boston: Bedford/St. Martin’s, 2009. Print. True Love Alex True Love This is something that divides us as humans, with quite a lot of gray area in the middle. You will find people that swear to the truth of this and others that try to finally prove it false. Right now I see myself in the grey area, questioning. Does true love exist? Is it possible for everyone? I am not sure even what this is seeing as I have yet to be in love. I have often asked myself if there was a one true love for me and if someone somewhere was pulling the strings just right so that I would meet them or not. In recent years the divorce rate in America has gone up.Some say this is because women have become more independent and no longer feel the need to stay with a man in order to survive. I think that Americans have lost faith in an Ancient belief, true love. Or maybe the problem is that we are searching for something that doesn’t exist. Can true love scientifically be proven? Is there something in our body that tells us when we are in love? If we could fin d a way to prove that true love exists can we tell when two people are really in love? Do we really want to know? If someone that we love dies can we get married again?Love PoemCan there be more than one person in your life that you have loved, love, or will love? I want to look into why this is different for everyone. I expect to find what makes us believe in something when most of us can say we have never experienced it. How did this belief come about? Is it possible to fall in love no matter the appearance, gender, or race? I know we all have our prejudices but perhaps true love is the bridge over these barriers. Polygamists treat their wives like property but still say they love them. If you truly love someone how should you treat them?I think that scientific research will show that love does exist and that you can fall in love multiple times in a life. Fate is something that can’t really be proven. I also am hoping to find how the idea of a true love came about. I donâ⠂¬â„¢t think that an interview will help much because it varies so much from person to person. What I want to accomplish is to focus on three main points for my paper. First, can true love be scientifically proven? I also want to go into how it has proved the existence of love? (I believe they have)Second, why do we believe in true love in the first place?Third, has America lost sight of the idea of true love or are we focusing on it too much? There is a lot more I could go into but these are my main three. To begin, I first need to establish what true love is. While I am trying to figure out if this proposed phenomenon actually exists, for this section I will assume that it does. This basis will allow for proof or disproof. Getting everyone to agree on one definition is impossible, so I hope to highlight a couple. First, I wanted to find an article on the Christian view of how to find true love.Since most of the population in America is made up of Christians, I felt that it was imp ortant that this view was included. It begins with the famous verse from Corinthians, â€Å"Love is patient, love is kind†¦Ã¢â‚¬  This is a view that many people hold dear to their hearts. This article is more of a guide for Christians on how to find true love and tells that in order to find true love that we need to do three things. First, the article says to read the bible and find what to look for in love. Next, honesty is needed with ourselves and the one we love. Finally, to be ready to commit for a lifetime and understand what this commitment means.The view of this article is that love lasts forever and that unless you are looking for the right qualities that you won’t ever find it. While this is only one opinion, it is quite standard. The next definition needed comes from the opposite direction, science. This article from CNN states that researchers from Stony Brook University have proved the existence of lasting love. Their research focused on new lovers and co uples that have been together for around 20 years. They analyzed the chemical reactions when the person was shown a picture of their loved one.Old research had found that the chemical reaction in new lovers fade within 15 months and is gone after 10 years. Somehow, these scientists managed to find a few couples that defied these statistics. !0 percent of the couples that had been together for twice the amount of time that their love was supposed to fade by had reactions the same as a new couple. This definition of true love is based on time and fact but it is just as real as an immeasurable definition. This next source is called â€Å"7 Myths of Happily Ever After† by Blair Justice. This is an article about how Americans view perfect relationships (incorrectly).Instead of looking at a definition, this looks at common misconceptions. The first is about how all people look for that person to live happily ever after with. It states that we all are searching for that unconditiona l love, futilely. We shouldn’t have that unconditional love between us and our partner in order to have that â€Å"perfect relationship. † Then, that when there is true love between two people that they should not have to tell the other what they want. Third we search for someone with the same problems that we have and that will make both of our problems disappear.Maybe he/she will even understand and that will be enough. Fourth, don’t go to bed angry. An unhealthy relationship would be if you never slept away from your partner after an argument. As long as you are not running away and can try and put the heat of the argument behind you. Fifth, we never talk. We actually talk a lot but we need to learn how to communicate better. Sixth, he will change after we are married. We need to get rid of the illusion of changing our partner later. This entire article tells pretty much what Americans view as true love.The question that is brought up by all these wrong belie fs is, if we change how we think about love can we find it? What the focus needs to shift to is recognizing this love. When you fall in love you head in full force. You devote all of your attention to that one person and nothing else. The passion and heat takes over. This is not true love, though. True love is the kind that lasts; this heat we all feel in the beginning of a relationship will always fade. If there were a device to prolong this feeling, it would be coveted by all. How do we act when we are truly in love?In this article from Christian Answers gives a list on how to know when you are in love. The first step to having a true relationship is establishing that what you have is exclusive. By telling your partner that you want to be with them and only them shows that you are ready to commit fully. Next you say that this is the best relationship that you have had. It is like starting a new chapter in your life where you can only go forward. Then, once you are past the lets go anywhere stage and the stage where you stand up for yourself, this article says that you can accept the other person’s interests to partake in them sometimes as well.The article says that you must accept the other person’s beliefs enough to not oppose them. You also have to just be able to enjoy the other person’s company enough that doing nothing together is like a break from the rest of the world, even though you are with him/her. Lastly, it lists that you have to show that you are comfortable being yourself in front of them. Overall I believe that this is a good list of how to recognize true love. There are many people loosing the sight of true love and this can be represented by the amount of divorces in the United States. When two people get married, most say that they will be married forever.Some hold on to the view of happily ever after, while others are more realistic about their life after marriage. One thing that we have to accept is the ending of mar riage. While many people say that 50% of all marriages in America end in goodbye, this is not entirely correct, this article states. The facts do show that if the current trend continues that we may even surpass this number. We loose sight of the hope for true love for many reasons. The main reason in this short article is childlessness. â€Å"The absence of children leads to loneliness and weariness†¦Ã¢â‚¬  This last article is called â€Å"True Love?Forget it! † This article argues that true love does not exist. The author, Lynn Truss, says that we often use the non-existence of a perfect partner as an excuse to not find love at all. If someone was â€Å"just looking for the right person† they might pass up on several people that might not be perfect, but are perfect for them. The definition of love is given as what you do with what you’ve got. We often have unrealistic views of love and this is because of two things. First, love is deeply placed in hum an nature and we see love as something we find. Actually, he states, love is something we create, an achievement.So this article is saying that we make up true love to fill a void in our life that everyone has. Love is something we make not something we just bump into. To turn this last topic around I would like to highlight a girl that never gave up on love, even if it hurt. Nancy Rue says in her book, Coping with Dating Violence that abuse happens in many ways. Sometimes the guy doesn’t want to lose the girl and sometimes he has anger issues. What I was interested in was why women tend to stay with these men when they aren’t treating them right. This book states that women often blame themselves for the abuse.What I am interested in is the fact that some stay because, in the beginning, it was perfect and they were so in love. Was this true love that just went wrong or a facade from the beginning? When girls fall in love with this boy they are really falling in love w ith him, she states. When a girl is being abused by the â€Å"mental illness† that the boy has. During this process I learned a lot, but not as much as I wanted to. Next year I will have to write a ton of papers. While this project was interesting, I don’t see it preparing me for the future. I already know how to research, so hat was one of the easiest parts. The main thing that I learned from this project was MLA format. I have worked with many kinds of formats before so it was good to be able to focus on just this one. What I really liked about what I did was the quality of research although I wish that I had the time to get more. I also make summaries daily for other classes which made it easier to do the summaries in here. One thing that I really need to work on is my citations. Most of the times they need a little bit of tweaking, in order to be fully correct, there aren’t too many problems.What I learned in both this area and in MLA format will most certai nly help me in later projects. During this particular project I liked it simply because it was different. It is not like the typical high school paper. One thing it could have benefited from was a little less structure. We were able to pick out our own topic which was nice but turning in our summaries every due date was a little confining. I believe that more freedom would have also been more responsibility, so I understand the structure somewhat. I began this paper with an idea. Actually, I had many ideas but my main one was my favorite.This idea has become a growing question in my own life. Does true love exist? Some people believe they can answer this question with a yes or no. This is not the answer that I want. I want a reason, explanation, but most of all information. I’m not researching that feeling you get when you see that cute guy a couple rows over in class smiling at you. I am looking at actual, forever love. I was hungry for information and began searching from m any different angles. I found scientific evidence and put it right along side the religious. I read stories about terrible abuse and tales of enchanting love.The scientific evidence claimed its existence, if rare. Just by looking at divorce rates in America shows how wrong we can be about love. These are some of my favorite sources. My absolute favorite has to go to the book I read. This story speaks to me in a way that none of the articles could. One of the stories from this book tells of a girl that fought so hard for love, she almost died. The desperation that she feels is what makes this the best in my eyes. After all of this time I think I can finally say that I have an answer that makes sense to me.True love is out there for everyone somewhere. It is just up to you to find it and hold on tight. There will never be a world where everyone will find this connection but the first step is knowing what to look for. At the very least, you should know what to stay away from. This conc lusion has helped me with my own life, even if it never helps another person. I wish that I could not change my question but instead write a follow up piece. If I could it would be on the history of love, how it has evolved. That topic intrigues me but the one I wrote this paper on was just right for me. True Love Every moment we spent togetherHas touched our lives, our souls foreverThe things that we shared and learnedIs permanent growth that we've earned. The person that I have grown into todayDid not get there by chance, no wayI am who I am partly because of youAnd you are YOU because of me, tooThe changes I seeand what I have learned about meare a response to how we affected our livesand what we discover in each others eyes. It is uncertain if we have to part or one day live together Either way, we have touched our lives forever! No matter what the future will showNo matter what we are told.We are connected on such a deep levelsThat no one can remove that, not even the devil. Our feelings might be different a year from nowBut you are part of me forever somehowA part of me will always be you and a part of you will always be me. no matter what happens ,that much is certain our souls are one until life closes the curtain. I will love your foreverFor worse or for betterYou are tattooed in my h eart And nothing can tear our souls apart. Source: Forever Connected, True Love Poem http://www. familyfriendpoems. com/poem/forever-connected#ixzz2RErIYwFpwww. FamilyFriendPoems. om Every moment we spent togetherHas touched our lives, our souls foreverThe things that we shared and learnedIs permanent growth that we've earned. The person that I have grown into todayDid not get there by chance, no wayI am who I am partly because of youAnd you are YOU because of me, tooThe changes I seeand what I have learned about meare a response to how we affected our livesand what we discover in each others eyes. It is uncertain if we have to part or one day live together Either way, we have touched our lives forever! No matter what the future will showNo matter what we are told.We are connected on such a deep levelsThat no one can remove that, not even the devil. Our feelings might be different a year from nowBut you are part of me forever somehowA part of me will always be you and a part of you will always be me. no matter what happens ,that much is certain our souls are one until life closes the curtain. I will love your foreverFor worse or for betterYou are tattooed in my heart And nothing can tear our souls apart. Source: Forever Connected, True Love Poem http://www. familyfriendpoems. com/poem/forever-connected#ixzz2RErIYwFpwww. FamilyFriendPoems. om Every moment we spent togetherHas touched our lives, our souls foreverThe things that we shared and learnedIs permanent growth that we've earned. The person that I have grown into todayDid not get there by chance, no wayI am who I am partly because of youAnd you are YOU because of me, tooThe changes I seeand what I have learned about meare a response to how we affected our livesand what we discover in each others eyes. It is uncertain if we have to part or one day live together Either way, we have touched our lives forever! No matter what the future will showNo matter what we are told.We are connected on such a deep levels That no one can remove that, not even the devil. Our feelings might be different a year from nowBut you are part of me forever somehowA part of me will always be you and a part of you will always be me. no matter what happens ,that much is certain our souls are one until life closes the curtain. I will love your foreverFor worse or for betterYou are tattooed in my heart And nothing can tear our souls apart. Source: Forever Connected, True Love Poem http://www. familyfriendpoems. com/poem/forever-connected#ixzz2RErIYwFpwww. FamilyFriendPoems. com True loveMy first true love was Zachery Kyle Sutterfield I remember the day we met When I first met you, I felt like I had known you forever Both shy, but wanted to talk. Every moment we have spent together Has touched our lives and souls forever The things that we share and learn Is permanent growth that we earn. The person that I have grown into today Did not get there by chance, no way I am who I am partly because of you You are YOU becau se of me, too. The changes I see What I have learned about me A response to how we have affected out lives What we discover in each other eyes. We are connected on a such a deep level

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Effect of Text Messaging on Teen Age Students

SINHGAD TECHNICAL INSTITUTES CAMPUS SINHGAD INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT A Study on impact of text messaging on teen age students Prepared by Rambhu kumar(11) Komal jaiswal(15) Pankaj kakani(17) Sukirti keswani(18) Nitin maske(19) Introduction 1 See it? Hear it? Take it! This is still the mantra of many schools across the country that succinctly summarizes the policy concerning cell phones in schools; in essence, they are banned. Yet, most teenagers are nearly inseparable from their cell phones, not because they are constantly talking, but because they are connecting with their friends through text messaging.As a phenomenon, this was originally unprecedented and unpredicted, especially because text messaging capabilities were designed strictly for mobile phone companies to communicate with their customers. Teenagers, digital natives born into a world rich in technology who take ubiquitous computing for granted, tend to lead the way with most technologies, and text messaging is no differen t. The popularity of text messaging has placed people in positive and negative situations. On the positive side, text messaging is utilized as a source of information and reminders.Even the parents get to learn about it from their kids’ . Whereas on the negative side, teenagers are easily distracted at school. Instead of paying attention in classes, students are texting away. I've seen this happen a lot in college. Especially in high schools, this leads to falling grades, and poor report cards. Some kids are up late messaging their friends, which experts believe could have a significant impact on sleep. What are some of the effects that texting is having on teen age students?That is the question that our group explores in this paper. We conduct surveys and take a look at scholarly and periodical articles, looking to find some of the effects that the modern day texting phenomenon is causing. We examine the impacts that texting is making on our language and writing skills, the impacts on teenagers and their social lives, and the dangers of texting and driving. Review of Literature2,3 Through a review of literature from diverse disciplines and both scholarly and popular media, we examine two questions: 1.How are teenagers using text messaging in their everyday lives? 2. How can text messaging be used in educational settings? Mode of Inquiry Modern cellular phones have countless applications that allow them to act not only as mobile phones but also as music, video, and game players, cameras, global positioning systems, and devices that provide access to the Internet and a host of applications. For this particular analysis, the focus is strictly on teenagers and young adults (ages 11- 21) using the short message service (SMS), or text messaging capabilities.It does not include the use of SMS to post to Facebook, Twitter, or other social networking sites, as that would require the receiver to have access to Internet to read such messages or post replies. Teen Use of Text Messaging Reasons for Use Teenagers have adopted text messaging as their primary form of text-based communication, preferring it even over e-mail (Lenhart, 2009); there are several reasons for the popularity of text messaging. First, it is quicker; adolescents have found that by texting, they can forego the normal chit-chat involved in phone conversations.One teen stated that even for a quick question, you’d have to go through the niceties of greetings and spend time talking about other things (Faulkner ; Culwin, 2005). Text messaging is also cheaper, because messages are generally charged by the message, not the word count. In contrast, the cost of a phone conversation varies as it is charged by the minute. Also, the location of sender/receiver does not affect the charge. Many teenagers pay their own mobile phone bills, and pay-as-you-go plans allow them to budget more accurately (Faulkner ; Culwin, 2005). Finally, many teens state that text messaging is more co nvenient.Phones can be switched to silent mode, so they do not disturb others, and allows texting to be done surreptitiously and away from parents or teachers (Grinter ; Eldrige, 2001). E-mail is the preferred mode of communication for school or work, but when teenagers want something that is fast, immediate, and can be done anywhere – texting is preferred (Lev-Ram, 2006). For teenagers, the cell phone is almost always with the person, so it is constantly accessible. Being small and silent, the cell phone is easily transported and used furtively under the supervision of authority, as compared to email, which requires a computer (Thurlow, 2003).Many teenagers have reported that they share a computer with family members or that it is in a common area of the home so instant messaging and email can be observed (Faulkner ; Culwin, 2005). In addition, because the phone displays both text and sender, the user can choose when and if to respond to a message and has time to compose an appropriate response. Girls, in particular, often invite others to help them compose their responses (Faulkner ; Culwin, 2005).Reid and Reid (2004) have also theorized that another part of the attractiveness of texting is the visual anonymity it seems to afford, especially for socially anxious people, as the texter does not need to see/hear the recipient. In addition, it provides almost perpetual contact for those who are lonely. Lohnes Watulak (2010), drawing on the work of Thurlow (2003) and Clark (2005), sites the desire for constant contact as a significant reason for undergraduate students to text during class, even if they acknowledge that that texting is rude and the content is trivial. Need for studyWith general overview of today’s society, cell phones are becoming a modern day necessity among teenagers. The reason why they are in so much demand is because of text messaging which is the most popular mode of communication these days. The need to study this particular t opic is to find out the impact of this mode of communication on teenagers, both positive and negative. And also to see whether it is actually a necessity or just a trend which is followed because of its popularity. In this research we are also going analyse the future impacts of text messaging on teenagers.How mobile companies are using the increased use of text messaging to their advantage is also discussed in this research project. Statement of problem There have been many ill effects on education pattern of students, because of these text messaging phenomena. The institutions are finding it hard to cope with this habit of teenagers as it is leading to a lot of distraction and also parents are worried because of falling grades of their kids. The biggest issue of all is that student are not ready to detach themselves from their mobile phone.That’s why even if institutes and parents come up with a solution to the problem, it is next to impossible to implement it. Objectives 1 . To understand the habits of teenage students regarding text messaging. 2. The impact of text messaging on the text messaging on teenage students (positive and negative). 3. To understand and analyze the usage of mobile phones during class hours. 4. To understand the extent to mobile usage for communication among teen age students. 5. To understand whether prefer normal messaging or online messaging. Hypothesis . Teen age students knows about various applications used for messaging. 2. Text messaging has various effects on teen age groups. Research Design and Methodology4 Sampling Design Sampling is process of taking sample from large population. We have design questionnaire and on the basis of this questionnaire we have collected the data from school and colleges. Sources and Methods of Data collection We prepared a questionnaire containing total of 14 questions in definite order. The teenagers have to give answers of questions of questionnaire. 100 tudents from a Sinhgad Institut e were used as participants in this research. These participants were selected randomly. Methods of Analysis and Statistical Tools We have collected data from 100 samples and used chi-square method, SPSS software, excel. Facts and finings Q. 1) you communicate with your friends and known people by 1) Text messaging 2) Messaging through net 3) Messaging through landline 4) Call through mobile 1) 36% 2) 30% 3) 4% 4) 30% Q. 2) How frequently you communicate with mobile messaging? 1) Daily 2) Sometime 3) One’s in week 4) One’s in month 5) No ) 47% 2) 33% 3) 6% 4) 5% 6) 9% Q. 3) How often you recharge your message packs? 1) One’s in week 2) One’s in month 3) Twice in month 4 ) Others 5)No 1) 15% 2) 40% 3) 17% 4) 13% 5) 15% Q. 4) Are you satisfied with your mobile text messaging for effective communication with your friend circle? 1) Fully satisfied 2) Less satisfied 3) Moderate 4) No 1) 47% 2) 14% 3) 24% 4) 15% Q. 5) Do you enjoy text messaging communication t hrough mobile phone? 1) Sometimes 2) Every time 3) No 1) 54% 2) 8% 3) 38% Q. 6) Do you keep sending messaging even during class hours? ) Sometimes 2) Every time 3) No 4) Only in emergency 1) 54% 2) 8% 3) 38% Q. 7) Do you think it is good to use mobile phone during class hours? 1) Sometimes 2) Every time 3) No 1) 54% 2) 8% 3) 38% Q. 8) Does your school allow use of mobile phones generally? 1) Sometimes 2) Every time 3) No 1) 43% 2) 9% 3) 48% Q. 9) According to you what are the advantages of text messaging? 1) Sharing information 2) Cheaper way of communication 3) Quick way of communication 4) No effect 1) 26% 2) 30% 3) 40% 4) 4% Q. 10) According to you what are the disadvantages of text messaging? )Spelling mistakes ; Grammatical mistake 2) Copying 3) Morphing 4) Wastage of time due to messaging 5) Sometime effect on IQ level 6) No effect 7) Others if any(Specify)- 1) 34% 2) 27% 3) 15% 4) 7% 5) 7% 6) 10 Q. 11) Does it disturb your concentration during classrooms? 1) Fully 2) Partly 3 ) Not at all 1) 14% 2) 40% 3) 46% Q. 12) Does it affect your study after school hours 1) Fully 2) Partly 3) Not at all 1) 23% 2) 19% 3) 58% Q. 13) According to you which mobile operator is popular? 1) Vodafone 2) Airtel 3) Idea 4) Others (Specify)- 1) 41% 2) 20% 3) 18% 4)21 Q. 4) during which time you prefer to text? 1) Some specific time 2) Spare time 3) before class hours 4) After class hours 5) every time 1) 35% 2) 22% 3) 4% 4)7% 5)32% Scope and Limitation of the study Significant research has been conducted on text messaging among teen age students of SIT and how their personal as well as school life is affected because of it. We also analysed negative effect on teenagers and to what extent it has done bad to students. Further we studied about some positive effects of texting and how it helped them knowledge sharing and cost savings. 1. What role does and should text messaging have in school? . What impact does long term use of texting have on youth literacies? 3. Can text messa ging increases student’s reading and writing abilities in ways not currently addressed through traditional means? 4. Can text messaging reminders increases student participation and achievement without aggravating the already prevalent digital device and teacher workloads? 5. If cell phones become an accepted educational tool like calculators, will the dire predictions of increased distraction and poor language use come true or will cell phones become as common-place as overhead projectors and what are the implications of this? ConclusionCell phones have become a modern day necessity, to the point that they are a must have for every teenager. Teenagers are getting increasingly attached to these devices, depending on them more and more for their communication with their friends or family. About 80% of teenager’s text on a daily basis. Many of the people I surveyed  received their first phone between the ages 11- 15. They also started texting as  young as 11 and as o ld as 17. Teens have created a whole new language through  texting which researchers refer to as short message service (SMS) language or  texts. Everyday  students are adding words to the language.Some of the SMS language some believe texting has a negative effect, positive effect, or does not have an effect at  all. Through our research we analysed that texting had some impact like students could share information and other important notices. Also it has proved to be a less expensive mode of communication and parents also got to learn from their kids. Whereas there are numerous negative effects like the grammar of the students is affected to a great extent. Also students have started using short forms for words to save space and time. Another big risk is Morphing and sending unwanted pictures of girls which leads to big scandals.It has even lead to bad psychological impact on students. Irrespective of above mentioned effects students find it very important these days to hav e a cell phone and to them it is more of a blessing then a curse. Bibliography 1. http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Teen_Age_Message 2. http://www. academia. edu/1156350/Text_Messaging_and_Teenagers_A_Review_of_the_Literature 3. http://www. studymode. com/subjects/literature-review-on-the-effect-of-text-messaging-on-literacy-skill-page1. html 4. C. R. Kothari Research methodology Methods and Techniques 2nd edition, New age international publishers.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Psycholgy exhibited in the film John Q Essay

When asked to find something in the media that directly relates to subject matter that had been discussed in our psychology class there were a couple of topics that came to mind. However, one stands out to me in particular, and that is a movie that I have seen recently called John Q. In this film Denzel Washington plays the role of John Q. Archibald, a man who will go to any lengths to keep his one and only son, Michael, from dying. During the movie, John and his wife, Denise, learn that Michael has an enlarged heart and needs an emergency transplant operation. On top of that, John has recently been reduced from full-time to part-time work. He can’t afford the operation and his health insurance won’t cover it, so he vows to do whatever it will take to keep his son alive. This obviously becomes an extremely difficult moral decision that Archibald must make. In the psychology textbook, there is very similar example to what occurred in the movie John Q, this example was used by a psychologist by the name of Kohlberg to conduct a moral reasoning experiment. The situation in the text tells of a woman that is near death with a special type of cancer, and there is only one, recently developed drug that could possibly save her. However, the druggist was apparently charging 10 times what it cost to make the drug, which is 2000 dollars. The woman’s husband tried to get all the money he could however came up short, and the druggist refused to cut him a deal, and therefore, leaving the man two choices, to either let his wife die, or steal the medicine. And like any good husband the man broke into the store and stole the drug for his wife. This above situation when described in class made me immediately think of the movie John Q, and is the reason this paper is being written. In the film however, the victim was a child who has barely experienced life yet, and measures for his survival were much more desperate. Instead of a just a simple pill or treatment this boy needed a new heart, and a matching heart with that, and without the proper insurance the transplant was near impossible. So, John took the matter into his own hands. He felt that his only option is to take the emergency room hostage until the doctors agree to give his son the operation that he desperately needs and find him a compatible heart. After locking himself, his son and a handful of doctors  into an operating room, the operation gets underway; however, a compatible heart still is yet to be found. Much of the time in this film is spent on the search for a compatible heart, and also John’s communication with the media and police outside the hosp ital like it is some sort of negotiation, when in reality what he wants is just a good life for his son. Nearing the end of the movie, a heart still cannot be found. So John is on the verge of killing himself so that his son can live. So he puts a single bullet into his gun and puts the gun slowly toward his head. At this point in the movie, it is revealed that the whole time John was holding up the hospital with an unloaded pistol. However, just in the nick of time, a donor is found and John’s wife runs hysterically toward the hospital to assure that both her husband and son make it out of that building alive. Eventually the heart reaches the hospital and the young boy survives. John is sentenced to something like 2 to 3 years in prison for holding the emergency room hostage. The movie John Q presents to the viewer in a very clear fashion what is known as an ethical vignette, which was introduced in the 80s by Kohlberg. As our class talked about rather extensively and the textbook touches on Kohlberg, was a famous psychologist in the early 80’s. His studies were primarily focused on moral reasoning, or the thinking that occurs as we consider right and wrong. Kohlberg also presents the idea of vignettes, or a perplexing moral situation where something morally wrong must be done in order to do what a particular individual sees as right or mandatory. Apparently in his research Kohlberg conducted an experiment where he asked people of various age groups to determine the morality of a situation, as well as what they would do if they were in this persons place. And from the responses that these people gave, Kohlberg could tell how well developed these people were intellectually. Kohlberg describes 3 stages of moral development in the text. They are preconventional morality, conventional morality, and postconventional morality. Each of these stages are usually achieved by certain ages however, some people may never fully develop into postconventional morality. In conclusion, I believe in John Q, what John did was totally in his and his families’ best interest, and is a perfect example of an ethical vignette. I  also believe that John thought on a very postconventional scale. He knew what he was doing was morally wrong and against his ideals, however, since the insurance companies are such bloodsuckers, he was left with no choice. However, he was looking out for the best interests of his family and himself and simply refused to let his son die. I think very few people are throw into a situation as drastic as this as quickly as John Q was in the movie, however, it just goes to show that there is no price for a human life and that hospitals simply shouldn’t deny care to those that aren’t rich. I feel that what John did in this movie was perfectly acceptable, and it played out very well in Hollywood however, in reality I think he would have been unable to single-handedly take a hold a whole emergency room hostage. But, i t still remains a very clear example of an ethical vignette. And is a perfect portal of the saying â€Å"desperate times call for desperate measures.†

Friday, September 27, 2019

Term Project Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Term Project - Research Paper Example Authentic leadership is â€Å"a pattern of transparent and ethical leader behavior that encourages openness in sharing information needed to make decisions while accepting followers’ inputs† (Avolio, Walumbwa, & Weber, 2009, p. 423). On the other hand, transformational leadership consists of â€Å"leader behaviors that transform and inspire followers to perform beyond expectations while transcending self-interest for the good of the organization† (Avolio, Walumbwa, & Weber, 2009, p. 423). Maslow’s hierarchy of needs is one of the most prevalent theories on motivation (Fisher, 2009). This theory suggests that people are motivated by five level of needs, which are physiological, security, social, ego, and self-actualization (Ibid.). As such, workers are motivated by the needs that math the level that they are currently at. Consequently, leaders must be able to identify the level that workers of their department are working at in order to offer specific oppor tunities fitting the identified level (Ibid). The different leadership styles are thus seen to be an important consideration in motivating employees and consequently improving organizational performance. If a relationship between these variables is found, organizations may set up the proper methods to encourage higher level management to enforce a particular leadership strategy and thereby improve the productivity of their respective organizations. This study aims to find if this relationship indeed exists, that is, if leadership styles contribute significantly to employee motivation, and translate this motivation to organizational productivity. This research study aims to answer the following research questions: R1: Is there a relationship between leadership style and motivation? R2: If such a relationship exists, which relationship style motivates employees the most? R3: Is there a relationship between leadership style and organizational productivity? R4: If such a relationship ex ists, which relationship style leads to the highest organizational productivity? With these research questions in mind, the following research hypotheses will be tested for significance: Ho1: There is no relationship between leadership style and motivation. Ha1: There is a significant relationship between leadership style and motivation Ho2: There is no relationship between leadership style and organizational productivity. Ha2: There is a significant relationship between leadership style and organizational productivity. Methods The research study will use a quantitative survey design, as it aims to find if there is a relationship between leadership style, motivation and organizational productivity. A quantitative research study is one wherein the variables used are quantifiable or measurable, and relationships among variables can be found through the use of appropriate mathematical and statistical tools (Creswell, 2003). A survey design for quantitative research uses a set of struct ured questions in order to derive the required information (Agresti & Finlay, 2009). A pre-piloted questionnaire will be given to the respondents in order to identify the leadership style of their superior, the level of motivation that they have at work, and their level of organizational productivity. The respondents will be taken from a list of employees of Ford Company. Stratified random sampling will be used in order to ident

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Volkswagen in China (Describe poster) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Volkswagen in China (Describe poster) - Essay Example It has secured the top spot in the sales of automobiles in the world. Most of the automobile giants in the world market are engaged in fierce competition and Volkswagen and Toyota are two of the main contenders. Thus, we found it appropriate to consider Volkswagen in Chinese market. We have collected several articles and news from business magazines, which were very helpful in obtaining the statistical information reflected in the poster. We believe that Volkswagen’s emblem is the main attraction that catches attention. The collected materials have been rendered to a written format and we prepared an outline for the poster. We have avoided dense text in this poster, as it will make difficulty in the view. We have prioritised the concepts of clarity and comprehension and included graphs and pictures in the poster. Otherwise, there will be a dense concentration of texts, which may turn off the readers. We have collected the data regarding the economic growth of China against the domestic demand, which shows it is growing. The graphs and tables gathered from the business news were highlighted in specific places. The pictures of old models of the Volkswagen and also the other car companies in the Chinese market were collected and we tried to include some of them in the poster. The important matters were highlighted to get the maximum attraction. We have focused on furnishing the true information and made spaces available to make it for easy reading between the lines. â€Å"Changing the format and structure of information to match the accepted standards of the content system. The process consists of stripping unneeded surrounding information (e.g., headers and footers, unnecessary content, and unwanted navigation) then mapping the format and structural tagging to the accepted standard.† One of the important skills is to present the apt information and mainly the true

Link between ADHD and Criminal Behavior Research Paper

Link between ADHD and Criminal Behavior - Research Paper Example However, recent studies have indicated that there is a correlation between this disorder and criminal behavior. It is evident that ADHD leads to the onset and development of criminal activities. This paper discusses how ADHD causes criminal behavior. It analyzes the various aspects of ADHD that indicates and causes criminal behavior. It provides the premise that several ADHD related behaviors like drug abuse, bullying, poor self-control, personality disorders as well as depression and anxiety leads to criminality. The paper also evaluates the prevalence of ADHD induced criminality according to age and gender. In this regard, it explains concerning the prevalence of criminal behavior between males and females as well as between adults and youths. Introduction Unnever & Cornell (2003) indicate that Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is the most prevalent neurobehavioral childhood disorder. In addition, this disorder is the most common condition that mostly affects schoolch ildren. The major signs of ADHD comprise hyperactivity, impulsivity and inattentiveness. Moreover, it is evident that occurrence rates for ADHD in the general population of young teenagers and children range from 4% to 12%, with high rates for city areas, boys, and those from low Social economic backgrounds. Many researchers have indicated that there have been continued link between psychiatric disorders and antisocial disorders in children. Since ADHD starts early in children, there is the possibility of this condition extending into adult-hood and breed criminal behavior. Research has also termed this disorder as the developmental forerunner of later disruptive behavior and criminality. In addition, there is a connection between ADHD and conduct or personality disorders. It is evident that ADHD causes this personality and conduct disorders which later leads to criminality. For instance, recent studies performed on prisoners in western nations have indicated that approximately half of the inmates tested positive to the diagnoses of serious antisocial personality disorder or conduct disorder when imprisoned. In addition, enduring evaluation researches have established that attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) merged with conduct disorder is a forerunner of later criminal behavior (Mordre et al., 2011). Connection of ADHD with Criminal Behavior Ghanizadeh et al. (2011) portray three major areas, which describe the clear connection of ADHD with criminal behavior. In the first premise, they claim that ADHD might lead to delinquent activities consequently attracting imprisonment. The second premise entails the relationship between ADHD and conduct disorder. In this regard, they note that there is a strong connection between the high rate of conduct behavior and the prevalence of ADHD. This means that most patients with ADHD show symptoms of conduct disorder, which primarily indicates the onset of criminal behavior. The third premise is that imprisonment and offender behavior may lead to ADHD and conduct disorder. Several researchers have established that there is a positive link between youths who have ADHD and criminal activities. This means that the young generation, mostly the children and teenagers are the most in danger of engaging in criminal activities due to ADHD. Considerable research has also indicated that prevalence of ADHD in teenagers might cause spontaneous, unconscious behavior that frequently overpowers an adolescent’s sense of self-control. This unconscious behavior makes the teenager to undertake some actions that are not right and without consciously knowing. This is because the teenager lacks the self-control to handle the situations surrounding him or her. However, since this disorder starts early in c

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Hindu worship or wedding ceremony Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Hindu worship or wedding ceremony - Essay Example The purpose of worship in Hinduism is to truly to embrace the idea of deity and eternity that centers around the ever-lasting circle of life. Since Hinduism is more focused on sacrifice, the focus of sacrificing animals is prevalent in Hinduism. The name of the God here is Karma. In Hinduism, Karma has become the true essence of the Hindu creed itself. Karma is another focal point that differentiates the two religions. Hindus believe that Gods can only achieve salvation which is clearly depicted in the video. For Hindus, one must undergo a series of events in order to purify himself to achieve salvation. For instance, Hindus worship bhakti-marg, which is the path of surrender and peace. One cannot achieve karma without being in peace with oneself and devoting one’s spirit towards worship. Karma is an eternal aura of enlightenment that is presented in all aspects of life and is a crucial aspect that dictates the lives of all individuals. Another regular yet a powerful ritual th at Hindus practice is the Namaste. The namaste embodies a form of greeting in which modesty and humbleness is portrayed by bringing together the palms. This greeting is very emotional because it is a sign of submission and humility which is what Hindus strive to achieve. These are ritual correlate to the beliefs of the Hinduism religion and are prevalent practiced in India and other

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Economy and Tourism of Cyprus Research Proposal

Economy and Tourism of Cyprus - Research Proposal Example Cyprus as a whole is now an open, free-market, service-based economy with some light manufacturing (TDS, 2008). Since 1st May 2004, Cyprus has accession to the European Union, which is an important milestone in its recent economic development. The Cypriots are the most prosperous people in the Mediterranean region. It has good, educated English-speaking population, good airline connections and an excellent telecommunications. The economic activity in Cyprus had been based on agriculture in the past but in the past two decades there has been a shift towards light manufacturing and services. Today agriculture contributes only 3.2% to the GDP while industry and construction contribute 19.2 percent and the services sector including tourism contribute 77.6% to the GDP employing 72.1% of the labor force (TDS, 2008). Cyprus has very few proven natural resources although the government is trying to explore the possibilities for offshore oil and gas reserves off its southern coast. The GNP growth rates have declined as the Cyprus economy has matured over the years. Public finances have improved considerably and the fiscal deficit which had peaked in 2003 was eliminated by 2007 (TDS, 2008). There was fiscal surplus in 2007 and the public debt declined simultaneously. The Cyprus economy got a further boost when Euro replaced the Cyprus pound as Cyprus’ national currency. This is expected to bring about a higher degree of price stability, lower interest rates, reduction of currency conversion costs and exchange rate risk, and increased competition through greater price transparency. The investment climate in Cyprus is conducive to FDI. There is increased flow of FDI particularly from the EU. Cyprus has good communication system, an educated labor force, good airline connections, and a sound legal system and provides modern infrastructures and tax incentives for business houses. The cost of living in Cyprus is low which

Monday, September 23, 2019

The development of travel and tourism industry Dissertation

The development of travel and tourism industry - Dissertation Example This paper outlines also the current developments of tourism. Low cost airlines â€Å"Evidence in the Europe and the U.S. indicates that the leading LFAs [low-fare airlines] fared significantly better than their full-fare rivals in the wake of the terrorist attacks on the U.S.,† wrote Thomas Lawton, author of Cleared for Take-Off: Structure and Strategy in the Low-Fare Airline Business, in the November 2003 Irish Journal of Management. â€Å"While established rivals cut staff, grounded aircraft and even collapsed into bankruptcy, the LFAs continue to open new routes and order new aircraft. LFAs are more resilient than traditional airlines to market downturns.† Europe deregulated its skies in 1997 and there has been no looking back as far as the travel and tourism boom is concerned. The low cost airline like Ryan Air, Excel Jet and Budget Air have offered the passengers no frill airlines and this has fuelled a lot of travel. This has exceedingly lowered the prices making holiday travels very affordable. For this reason these airlines have steadily gained market share. An old adage about cruises painted the typical passenger as "newlywed, overfed or nearly dead," but demographics for cruises are changing. A million children took cruises in 2002, double the number from 1998, according to the Cruise Lines International Association (CLIA), which represents 21 cruise lines. A five-day, $500 (or less) trip to a warm place (meals included), available in many markets; prices being affordable even for middle-class families.

Sunday, September 22, 2019

University Degrees Not Necessary Essay Example for Free

University Degrees Not Necessary Essay University degrees are very essential in life. However, depending on what job path an individual wants they decide whether a University degree is beneficial or not for them. While in college, a person can determine his strengths and weaknesses in whatever career choice they want and what path they decide to take in life and how a certain individual is going to pursue his dreams. College gives a person a chance to express their intelligence and creative abilities. Most jobs and careers require a college degree of some kind. However, this does not mean that without a college or university degree, success is unachievable. Each individual is different and has certain different areas of interest, depending on what job path someone wants and what route they want to take, they decide whether college or a university is beneficial or not to maintain a certain job of their choice. Education is knowledge that can never be taken away from an individual and one may always have an education to fall back on. The value of college education can be taken in all different kind of aspects it is sometimes based on the society that students are raised in. students look up thru a certain individual and admire them wishing to become one day the same or even beyond them. Others look at what they have been trough and want to do much better, to maintain a more decent lifestyle to buy a big house, luxurious vehicles, provide their families with all the amenities needed, and have everything they ever dream about. Everyone wants a better life, but not everyone has the motivation to succeed. College is nothing like high school; no longer are they moms and teachers telling students what to do, college students must rely on themselves and have the self- discipline to get done what is needed to pass their classes and graduate. In this sense, college is not for everyone. However, this does not mean that one cannot pursue his dreams and become a better person without a college or university degree one may still maintain a job of their choice and be happy. People say without an education, a person cannot succeed, but others do not agree with this. â€Å"David Frost, a British Media Personality, writer, comedian and journalist once opined ‘Dont aim for success if you want it. Just do what you love and believe in, and it will come naturally. † (Godbole, 2011). There are literally hundreds of people who have made millions without a college degree. For example, a list of successful people, â€Å"Bill gates, founder of Microsoft one of the richest man on earth right now. He was a Harvard drop out student, Ralph Lauren, one of the top most fashion designers in the world, he was a business school dropout, Michael Jackson, Pop singer that never went to college, Henry Ford, Assembly line manufacturing that never completed high school, and Mary Kay Ash, founder of â€Å"Mary Kay Cosmetics Inc. † College was never her priority. † (Godbole, 2011). One of the main reasons why people go to college is not because they want to go, but because they have to go. Most high school seniors are pressured by counselors and parents to go to college, because it is the right thing to do. Some students may have a different ideas about what they want in life, but because these mentors know what is best for them, they probably end up doing something they do not want to do, resulting in being miserable for the rest of their lives. There are people who have never set foot in a college or university and are doing better than people who have a master’s degree. Let’s face it going to college is socially impressive and some students go to college only for the title of being called a college student. For some young students it is an easy way to get away from home and become independent without losing the financial support of their parents. Some students do not want to be looked down upon society, so they do what would look best in the eyes of today’s society. It is practically into their heads that in order to be a successful person, they should have some sort of college education. Being a college student is perhaps more respectable role than being a janitor or garbage man. Going to college and getting a degree does not necessarily guarantee that an individual is going to get a job right after graduation. It is hard for a recent graduate to find a job. According to the Huff Post, â€Å"recent grads often have a more difficult time finding employment in their field. Half of recent grads are working jobs that dont require a degree† (Huffington, 2014). Therefore College education is not for everyone only for those who have the potential and desire to succeed in college. It is a decision that one makes depending on what career path they want to take. According to Policy. Mic states, â€Å"Majority of adults with all different education levels believe ‘a college degree is beneficial, but not essential for having a successful career. † The survey also found, â€Å"51% of the nation says that only certain subjects justify the expense of a college education,† In this regard not everyone will succeed in college, because not everyone has the same areas of interest. Another possible solution some people are born with talents they just need to discover it a perfect example of this would be Steve Jobs, co- founder of Apple Inc. according to answers, â€Å"Steve Jobs dropped out of college after six months. After a period of travelling, he became friends with Steve Wozniak. The two men worked in the garage of Steves parents, and together founded Apple Computers† Steve jobs certainly had talents proving that without a College or university degree he has still successful making him one of the riches man on the United states. In conclusion, success is achieved when one sets their mind to big things and lives a happy life by enjoying their work area. A piece of paper does not define a person, to be educated is to knowledge in many areas. Diversity is essential in the sense that many different things inspire to become better persons and achieve their own personal goals. Anyone who has the audacity to call themselves educated needs to have a grasp of different areas. â€Å"College does not prepare you for real life, life does† (Breault, 2013). Not saying people shouldn’t go to college. College can be very beneficial and useful for some people, but not for everyone. References Breault (2013). â€Å"5 Reasons College is not for everyone†. Policy MIC. P2 Godbole. (2009). â€Å"Successful People without college degrees†. Buzzle. P1 Huffington. (2014). â€Å"Unemployment for recent college graduates by majors†. Huff post. P6 Svemir. (2012) â€Å"Steve Jobs†. Answers. com P2.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Euphemism: Social Linguistic And Psychological Aspects

Euphemism: Social Linguistic And Psychological Aspects According the New Oxford Dictionary of English (Oxford University Press 2001) euphemism is a mild or indirect word or expression substituted for one considered to be too harsh or blunt when referring to something unpleasant or embarrassing. In the Wikipedia encyclopedia (February 2007), a euphemism is an expression intended by the speaker to be less offensive, disturbing, or troubling to the listener than the word phrase it replaces, or in the case of doublespeak to make it less troublesome for the speaker. When a phrase is used as a euphemism, it often becomes a metaphor whose literal meaning is dropped. Euphemism may be used to hide unpleasant or disturbing ideas, even when the literal term is not necessarily offensive. This type of euphemism is used in public relations and politics, where it is sometimes disparagingly called doublespeak. Sometimes, utilizing euphemisms is equated to politeness. There are superstitious euphemisms, based (consciously or subconsciously) on the idea that words have the power to bring bad fortune (for example, not saying the word cancer) and religious euphemisms, based on the idea that some words are sacred, or that some words are spiritually impelling. In Euphemism and Dysphemism: language used as a shield and weapon (1991), Allan and Burridge claimed that euphemism is characterized by avoidance language and evasive expression, speaker uses words as a protective shield against the anger or disapproval of natural or supernatural beings. It is an expression that seeks to avoid being offensive. But because our background relies on linguistics euphemism is not merely a response to taboo: it also functions where the speaker avoids using a distasteful expression and/ or an infelicitous style of addressing or naming. 2-Etymology: The word euphemism comes from the Greek word euphemos, meaning auspicious/good/fortunate speech/kind which in turn is derived from the Greek root-words eu (ÃŽÂ µÃƒ Ã¢â‚¬ ¦), good /well + pheme (à Ã¢â‚¬  ÃƒÅ½Ã‚ ®ÃƒÅ½Ã‚ ¼ÃƒÅ½Ã‚ ·) speech/speaking. The eupheme was originally a word or phrase used in place of a religious word or phrase that should not be spoken aloud; etymologically, the eupheme is the opposite of the blaspheme (evil-speaking). The primary example of taboo words requiring the use of an euphemism are the unspeakable names for a deity, such as Persephone, Hecate, Hemesis or Yahweh. By speaking only words favorable to the gods or spirits, the speaker attempted to procure good fortune by remaining in good favor with them. Historical linguistics has revealed traces of taboo deformations in many languages. Several are known to have occurred in Indo-European languages, including the original Proto-Indo-European words for bear (*rtkos), wolf (*wlkwos), and deer (originally, hart). In different Indo-European languages, each of these words has a difficult etymology because of taboo deformations a euphemism was substituted for the original, which no means honey eater. One example in English is donkey replacing the old Indo-European-derived word ass. In some languages of the Pacific, using the name of a deceased chief is a taboo. Amongst Australian Aboriginal people, it was forbidden to even use the name or the image of the deceased, so that today the Australian Broadcasting Commission publishes an apology to indigenous people for using names or images of people who have recently died. Since people are often named after everyday things, this leads to the swift development of euphemisms. These languages have a very high rate of vocabulary change. (Dyen, Isidore, A.T. James J.W.L. Cole. 1967. Language divergence and estimated word retention rate) The Euphemism Treadmill Euphemisms often evolve over time into taboo words themselves, through a process dubbed the euphemism treadmill by Steven Pinker. (cf. Greshams Law in economics, founded by Sir Thomas Gresham in 1566). This is the well-known linguistic process known as pejoration. Words originally intended as euphemisms may lose their euphemistic value, acquiring the negative connotation of their referents. In some cases, they may be used mockingly and become dysphemistic. For example, the term concentration camps, to describe camps used to house civilian prisoners, was used by the British during the Second Boer War, primarily because it sounded bland and inoffensive. However, after the Third Reich used the expression to describe its death camps, the term gained negative connotation. Since then, new terms have been invented for them, such as internment camps, resettlement camps, etc. Also, in some versions of English, toilet room, itself a euphemism, was replaced with bathroom and water closet, which were replaced respectively with restroom and W.C. Connotations easily change over time. Idiot, imbecile, and moron were once neutral terms for a person of toddler, preschool, and primary school mental ages, respectively. As with Greshams law (1566), negative connotations tend to crowd out neutral ones, so the word mentally retarded was pressed into service to replace them. As a result, new terms like mentally challenged or special have replaced retarded. A similar progression occurred with Lame à ¢Ã¢â‚¬  Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ crippled à ¢Ã¢â‚¬  Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ handicapped à ¢Ã¢â‚¬  Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ disabled à ¢Ã¢â‚¬  Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ differently-abled. Although in that case the meaning has also broadened (and hence has been narrowed with adjectives, which themselves have been euphemised); a dyslexic or colorblind person would not be termed crippled. In the early 1960s, Bill Veek, who was missing part of a leg, argued against the then-favored euphemism handicapped, saying he preferred rippled because it was merely descriptive and did not carry connotations of limiting ones capability the way handicapped (and all of its subsequent euphemisms) seemed to do. It can apply to naming of racial or ethnic groups as well, when proposed euphemisms become successively corrupted. George Carlin (Propaganda Critic: Word games à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ º Euphemisms, September 2002) gave a famous monologue of how he thought euphemisms can undermine appropriate attitudes towards serious issues such as the evolving terms describing the medical problem of the cumulative mental trauma of soldiers in high stress situations: Shell shock (World War I) à ¢Ã¢â‚¬  Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ battle fatigue (World War II) à ¢Ã¢â‚¬  Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ Operational exhaustion (Korean War) à ¢Ã¢â‚¬  Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ (Vietnam War). He contended that, as the name of the condition became more complicated and seemingly arcane, sufferers of this condition have been taken less seriously as people with a serious illness, and were given poorer treatment as a result. In the same routine, he echoed Bill Veeks opinion that crippled was a perfectly valid term (and noted that early English translations of the Bible seemed to have no qualms about saying that Jesus healed the cripples). 3- Classification of euphemisms. (Wikipedia Encyclopedia, February2007) Many euphemisms fall into one or more of these categories: à ¢- ª Terms of foreign and/or technical origin (derrià ¨re, copulation, perspire, urinate, security breach, mierda de toro, prophylactic, feces occur ) à ¢- ª Abbreviations (SOB for son of a bitch, BS for bullshit, TS for tough shit, SOL for shit out of luck, BFD for big fucking deal) à ¢- ª Abbreviations using a phonetic alphabet (Charlie Foxtort for Cluster fuck, Whisky Tango Foxtort Oscar for What the fuck, over?, Bravo Sierra for bullshit) à ¢- ª Plays on abbreviations (barbecue sauce for bull shit, sugar honey ice tea for shit, Maryland farmer for motherfucker, catch (or see) you next Tuesday for cunt) à ¢- ª Use in most clinical settings (PITA PT for pain in the ass patient) à ¢- ª Indirections (behind, unmentionables, privates, live together, go to the bathroom, sleep together) à ¢- ª Mispronunciation (goldarnit, dadgummit, freaking) à ¢- ªLitotes (not exactly thin for fat, not completely truthful for lied, not unlike cheating for cheating) à ¢- ª Changing nouns to modifiers (makes her look slutty for is a slut, right-wing element for right-wing, of jewish persuasion for jew). There is some disagreement over whether certain terms are or are not euphemisms. For example, sometimes the phrase visually impaired is labeled as a politically correct euphemism for blind. However, visual impairment can be a broader term, including, for example, people who have partial sight in one eye, a group that would be excluded by the word blind. There are three antonyms of euphemism: dysphemism, cacophemism, and power word. The first can be either offensive or merely humorously deprecating with the second one generally used more often in the sense of something deliberately offensive. The last is used mainly in arguments to make a point seem more correct. 4-The evolution of euphemisms. Euphemisms may be formed in a number of ways. (Wikipedia Encyclopedia, February 2007) Periphrasis or circumlocution is one of the most common-to speak around a given word, implying it without saying it. Over time, circumlocutions become recognized as established euphemisms for particular words or ideas. To alter the pronunciation or spelling of a taboo word (such as a swear word) to form a euphemism is known as taboo deformation. There are an astonishing number of taboo deformations in English, of which many refer to the infamous four-letter words. In American English, words which are unacceptable on television, such as fuck, may be represented by deformations such as freak even in childrens cartoons. Some examples of Cockney rhyming slang may serve the same purpose-to call a person a berk sounds less offensive than to call him a cunt, though berk is short for Berkeley Hunt which rhymes with cunt. Bureaucracies such as the military and large corporations frequently spawn euphemisms of a more deliberate (and to some, more sinister) nature. Organizations coin doublespeak expressions to describe objectionable actions in terms that seem neutral or inoffensive. For example, a term used in the past for contamination by radioactive isotopes is Sunshine Units. Military organizations frequently do kill people, sometimes deliberately and sometimes by mistake; in doublespeak, the first may be called neutralizing the target and the second collateral damage. Violent destruction of non-state enemies may be referred to as pacification. Two common terms when a soldier is accidentally killed (buys the farm) by their own side are friendly fire or blue on blue (BOBbing) (Buy the farm has its own interesting history). Execution is an established euphemism referring to the act of putting a person to death, with or without judicial process. It originally referred to the execution, i.e. the carrying out, 3f a death warrant, which is an authorization to a sheriff, prison warden, or other official to put a named person to death. In legal usage, execution can still refer to the carrying out of other types of orders; for example, in U.S. legal usage, a writ of execution is a direction to enforce a civil money judgment by seizing property. Likewise, lethal injection itself may 3e considered a euphemism for putting the convict to death by poisoning. Industrial unpleasantness such as pollution may be toned down to outgassing or runoff- descriptions of physical processes rather than their damaging consequences. Some of this may simply be the application of precise technical terminology in the place of popular usage, but beyond precision, the advantage of technical terminology may be its lack of emotional undertones, the disadvantage being the lack of real-life context. 5-Euphemisms for the profane. (Wikipedia Encyclopedia, February 2007) Profane words and expressions in the English language are generally taken from three areas: religion, excretion, and sex. While profanities themselves have been around for centuries, their limited use in public and by the media has only slowly become socially acceptable, and there are still many expressions which cannot be used in polite conversation. The common marker of acceptability would appear to be use on prime-time television or in the presence of children. The word damn (and most other religious profanity in the English language) has lost its shock value, and as a consequence, euphemisms for it (e.g. dang, darn-it) have taken on a very stodgy feeling. Excretory profanity such as piss and shit may be acceptable in adult conversation (provided that they are used in a literal sense rather than a figurative sense), while euphemisms like Number One and Number Two are preferred for use with children. Most sexual terms and expressions, even technical ones, either remain unacceptable for general use or have undergone radical rehabilitation (penis and vagina, for instance). a- Religious euphemisms Euphemisms for God and Jesus are used by Christians to avoid taking the name of God in a vain oath, which would violate one of the Ten Commandments. When praying, Jews will typically use the word Adonai (my master). However, when in a colloquial setting, this is deemed inappropriate, and so typically one replaces the word Adonai with the word HaShem, which literally means, The Name. It is notable that Adonai is itself a word that refers to the Jewish Gods name, but is not the name itself. Traditionally, Jews have seen the name of God as ineffable and thus one that must not be spoken. Even in English, some religious Jews will write God as G-d, in imitation of most Hebrew writing which does not include vowels. Because of this, the name of God in ancient Hebrew writings is transliterated as JHVH, YHVH, or YHWH, the four letters collectively known as the tetragrammaton. The vowels of Gods spoken name are therefore unknown, though such pronunciations as Yahweh and Jehovah are common guess es. Euphemisms for hell, damnation, and the devil, on the other hand, are often used to avoid invoking the power of the adversary. b- Excretory euphemisms While urinate and defecate are not euphemisms, they are used almost exclusively in a clinical sense. The basic Anglo-Saxon words for these functions, piss and shit, are considered vulgarities, despite the use of piss in the King James Bible (in Isaiah 36:12 and elsewhere). The word manure, referring to animal feces used as fertilizer for plants, literally means worked with the hands, alluding to the mixing of manure with earth. Several zoos market the byproduct of elephants and other large herbivores as Zoo Doo or Zoopoop, and there is a brand of chicken manure available in garden stores under the name Cock-a-Doodle Doo. Similarly, the string of letters BS, or the word bull, often replaces the word bullshit in polite society. There are any numbers of lengthier periphrases for excretion used to excuse oneself from company, such as to powder ones nose or to see a man about a horse (or dog). Slang expressions which are neither particularly euphemistic nor dysphemistic, such as take a leak, form a separate category. c- Sexual euphemisms The Latin term pudendum and the Greek term ÃŽÂ ±ÃƒÅ½Ã‚ ¹ÃƒÅ½Ã‚ ´ÃƒÅ½Ã‚ ¿ÃƒÅ½Ã‚ ¯ÃƒÅ½Ã‚ ¿ÃƒÅ½Ã‚ ½ (aidoion) for the genitals literally mean shameful thing. Groin and crotch refer to a larger region of the body, but are euphemistic when used to refer to the genitals. Euphemisms are more common in reference to sexual practices or orientations, particularly non-heterosexual ones, as shown in this quote from the UK version of Queer as Folk, which includes both euphemisms and dysphemisms regarding male homosexuality: Because Im queer, Im gay, Im homosexual, Im a poof, Im a poofter, Im a ponce, Im a bum boy, batty boy, backside artist, bugger, Im bent, I am that arse bandit, I lift those shirts, Im a faggot-arsed, fudgepackin, shitstabbin uphill gardener. I dine at the downstairs restaurant, I dance at the other end of the ballroom, Im Moses and the parting of the red cheeks. I fuck and am fucked, I suck and am sucked, I rim them and wank them, and every single man has had the fucking time of his life, and Im not a pervert. Virtually all other sexual terms are still considered profane and unacceptable for use even in a euphemistic sense. d- Euphemisms referring to profanity itself In the French and Spanish language, words that mean swear word are used as exclamations in lieu of an actual swear word. The Spanish word maldicià ³n, literally meaning curse word, is occasionally used as an interjection of lament or anger, to replace any of several Spanish profanities that would otherwise be used in that same context. In French (especially Canadian French), the word sacre, meaning religious profanity, is sometimes used as a substitute for an actual religious profanity (most commonly sacrament). 6-Euphemisms for death. (Wikipedia Encyclopedia, February 2007; Dead and Buried: Death Euphemisms, March 2007) The English language contains numerous euphemisms related to dying, death, burial, and the people and places which deal with death. The practice of using euphemisms for death is likely to have originated with the magical belief that to speak the word death was to invite death; where to draw Deaths attention is the ultimate bad fortune-a common theory holds that death is a taboo subject in most English-speaking cultures for precisely this reason. It may be said that one is not dying, but fading quickly because the end is near. People who have died are referred to as having passed away or passed or departed. Deceased is a euphemism for dead, and sometimes the deceased is said to have gone to a better place, but this is used primarily among the religious with a concept of Heaven. There are many euphemisms for the dead body, some polite and some profane, as well as dysphemisms such as worm food, or dead meat. The corpse was once referred to as the shroud (or house or tenement) of clay, a nd modern funerary workers use terms such as the loved one (title of a novel about Hollywood undertakers by Evelyn Waugh) or the dearly departed. (They themselves have given up the euphemism funeral director for grief therapist, and hold arrangement conferences with relatives.) Among themselves, mortuary technicians often refer to the corpse as the client. A recently dead person may be referred to as the late John Doe. The terms cemetery for graveyard and undertaking for burial are so well-established that most people do not even recognize them as euphemisms. Contemporary euphemisms and dysphemisms for death tend to be quite colorful, and someone who has died is said to have passed away, passed on, checked out, bit the big one, kicked the bucket, bitten the dust, bought the farm, cashed in their chips, croaked, given up the ghost (originally a more respectful term, cf. the death of Jesus as translated in the King James Version of the Bible Mark 15:37), gone south, shuffled off this mortal coil (from William Shakespeares Hamlet), or assumed room temperature. When buried, they may be said to be pushing up daisies or sleeping the big sleep or taking a dirt nap or six feet under. There are hundreds of such expressions in use. (Old Burma-Shave jingle: If daisies are your favorite flower, keep pushin up those miles per hour!). Euthanasia also attracts euphemisms. One may put one out of ones misery, put one to sleep, or have one put down, the latter two phrases being used primarily with non-humans. There are a few euphemisms for killing which are neither respectful nor playful, but rather clinical and detached. Some examples of this type are terminate, wet work, to take care of one or to take them for a ride, to do them in, to off, frag, smoke, whack or waste someone. To cut loose (from U.S. Sgt. Masseys account of activities during the American occupation of Iraq) or open up on someone, means to shoot at with every available weapon. To terminate with [extreme] prejudice originally meant to end ones employment without possibility of rehire (as opposed to lay off, where the person can expect rehire if business picks up), but now the term usually means kill. Often (though not always) an adjective is added for emphasis. In the movie Apocalypse Now, Captain Willard is told to terminate Colonel Kurtzs commission with extreme prejudice. The Dead Parrot Sketch from Monty Pythons Flying Circus contains an extensive list of euphemisms for death, referring to the deceased parrot that the character played by John Cleese purchases (the sketch has led to another euphemism for death: pining for the fjords, although in the sketch it was used by the shop owner to mean the parrot was not dead, but was merely quiet and contemplative). A similar passage occurs near the beginning of The Twelve Chairs, where Bezenchuk, the undertaker, astonishes Vorobyaninov with his classification of people by the euphemisms used to speak of their deaths. Also a scene in the film Patch Adams features Patch (Robin Williams) dressed in an angel costume, reading out various synonyms and euphemisms for the phrase to die to a man dying of cancer. This evolves into a contest between the two men to see who can come up with more, and better, euphemisms, ending when Patch comes up with and if we bury you ass up, well have a place to park my bike. 7- Euphemism in politics (Doublespeak) What, distinguishes doublespeak from other euphemisms is its deliberate usage by governmental, military, or corporate institutions. Doublespeak is in turn distinguished from jargon in that doublespeak attempts to confuse and conceal the truth, while jargon often provides greater precision to those that understand it (while potentially confusing those who do not). An example of the distinction is the use by the military of the word casualties instead of deaths-what may appear to be an attempt to hide the fact that people have been killed is actually a precise way of saying personnel who have been rendered incapable of fighting whether by being killed, being badly wounded, being captured in battle, being psychologically damaged, being incapacitated by disease, being rendered ineffective by having essential equipment destroyed, or having been disabled in any other way. Casualties is used instead of deaths, not for propagandists or reasons of squeamishness, but because most casualties ar e not dead, yet nevertheless useless for waging war. This type of euphemism may be found often in policy debate, such as the use of affordable to mean subsidized or the use of homeland for United States. (Lutz, 1987. Doublespeak: From Revenue Enhancement to Terminal Living. How government, business, advertisers, and others use language to deceive you. New York). Common examples WORD EUPHEMISM janitor custodian custodian building engineer crippled disabled disabled physically challenged retarded Mentally challenged retarded special, exceptional used second-hand Second-hand pre-owned victim survivor Died, dead passed away, passed Old person senior citizen, senior problem challenge problem issue product solution Illegal drugs illegal substances addiction substance abuse beggar panhandler panhandler the homeless (

Friday, September 20, 2019

Implementation of a Palmprint Recognition System

Implementation of a Palmprint Recognition System CHAPTER -VI 6. CONCLUSION SCOPE OF FUTURE WORK There are some key aspects to discuss about this thesis in general. First, it is important to mention that the main objective of this work implementation of a palmprint recognition system was successfully accomplished. Biometrics plays an important role in personal identification. The importance of biometrics in everyday life has been discussed and different biometric technologies are introduced. It has been shown that palm can also be a good biometric. The work reported in this thesis is summarized in this chapter. This Research Work proposed a novel approach for Palmprint Biometric Authentication System to identify the individuals based on their palmprints. The approach novelty could be found in the combinations between palmprints images transform techniques, features reduction technique and feed-forward neural network classifier. CASIA pre-processed hyperspectral database and MATLAB version 2016a with supporting toolboxes were used in our experiment work. Firstly, each pre-proce ssed palmprint image has read by MATLAB internal function, and it has transformed by using multiscale toolboxes in order to convert each image into data. The resulted data is projected by dimensionality reduction tool. Finally, neural network toolbox used for recognition training and verification the resulted vectors. We manually prepare proposed Gabor Wavelet and Local Binary Pattern function along with all Other function in MATLAB 2016 and a database of 200 palm images of 20 people is considered for the validation. This Thesis Work considers a novel and efficient method for the palmprint identification based on Gabor wavelet by using multi-block local binary patterns. Proposed method is further supervised through our proposed multi-layer feed-forward neural network for more accurate and computationally efficient recognition. Gabor wavelets efficiently filter the pre-processed image for getting optimum texture features through MB-LBP. Due to accurate feature representation of palm images through proposed LBP, anticipated MLFFNN training rate is high and we are getting much accurate results comparatively. Experiments are performed to make an analysis for the optimal palm region and LBP neighbourhood. We investigate the matching accuracy for the optimal parameters. The performance of the proposed method in term of accuracy and some other parameters is obtained and compared with some recent methods. These local characteristics are summed and orientation corresponding maximum local intensity pattern is conceded as optimal local direction. Micro pattern representation is obtained by LBP descriptor. Feature vector is prepared by histograms of 256 bins. In our proposed scheme we use the Gabor wavelets, which has wavelet like property, in orthogonal direction and smoothest contours. Orientation extraction is done optimally to get directional representation and feature size is reduced by extracting LBP histograms. Accuracy of Proposed system is about 99.6% and error rate is below 0.9%. Compared to other existing method proposed method provides robustness to noise, low complexity and small features length. Secondly 3x 3 direction pattern employed which extract the edge characteristics locally. Direction pattern further emphasis edge orientation and filter out non edges along irrespective direction of pattern. Local aggregation gives higher value (Local Intensity) at particular orientation. So, the competition for maximum local intensity can better select the orientation information. Secondly orientation information is not affected by intensity variations. Because of these reasons, it is obvious that our method is performing well. In this palm print recognition system, features such as region mask, orientation field and minutiae are being extracted. An efficient matching algorithm is being implemented which uses these features for comparison of the query palm print with the database. Hence this system tests the image with the database and checks if the person is aut henticated or not. This authentication system can be used in forensic science and other border control systems for authentication of palm prints. the proposed work is also tested on colour RGB (multi-dimensional) images and real time palm images. Further Works For future work, the combinations between another multiscale image transformation such as , , and other will be taken in addition to use alternative features reduction methods such as ICA, kernel PCA and other contemporary techniques are suggested to be used. In addition, the classifier type is suggested to change to show how the recognition accuracy could be improved. Although cancellable biometrics overcome the weakness of cryptography, current cancellable biometrics are still not secure enough for the palmprint identification. For example, attackers can still insert stolen templates replay and database attacks before systems can cancel the stolen templates and reissue new templates. Furthermore, current cancellable biometrics cannot detect replay and database attacks. In other words, if attackers insert unregistered templates into data links or databases, systems cannot discover the unregistered templates. To solve these problems, we can take advantages of cryptography and cancellable biometrics to design a set of security measures to prevent replay, brute force and database attacks for secure palmprint identification. One could improve the registration accuracy and the image combination process. A detailed study needs to be done on the effect of adding more frames for combination. This method could also be combined with the pose correction approach developed in the previous algorithm to make a robust system with further improved accuracy. In addition to these further directions, biometric researchers are in fact facing some open problems. Most biometric systems are examined only on zero effort attacks (general false acceptance rates). Do they still survive if experts attack them? Furthermore, how can we objectively evaluate and compare the security levels of biometric systems? It should be recognized that successfully breaking into biometric systems depends on money, time and knowledge. Biometric researchers are facing a dilemma. As we write everything to disclose our findings and algorithms for the sake of distributing knowledge to our society and the next generation, we are also providing the information that potential attackers require breaking into our systems.   Ãƒâ€šÃ‚  Ãƒâ€šÃ‚  Ãƒâ€šÃ‚  Ãƒâ€šÃ‚  Ãƒâ€šÃ‚  Ãƒâ€šÃ‚  Ãƒâ€šÃ‚      (b) Fig. 6.1 (a) A fake palmprint and (b) the corresponding genuine palmprint.